The Evangelistic Divide is the product of five years of researching historical evangelism in an attempt to clarify the divide between historical evangelism and most of today’s evangelistic efforts.
“In present day evangelism it takes about 200 first time decisions to get one person who will go on living for Christ.” – Paris Reidhead.
“For 25 years we have seen the most expensive evangelism in history and yet the surface of the nation’s sin has scarcely been scratched. Where have we erred?” – Leonard Ravenhill.
The Evangelistic Divide:
1. What works vs What’s true
2. Man centered vs God centred
3. Sowing seed on hard ground vs Sowing seed on good soil
4. Acknowledgement of sin vs Conviction
5. Our cross vs Paul’s cross
6. Pray this prayer vs Repent and believe
7. Decisional salvation vs Regeneration
8. Carnal christians vs New creations
Maintaining Balance with the Right Motivation:
9. Avoiding legalism by Walter Chantry
10. Acceptance in the beloved by Paul Washer (abridged)
11. Revival Hymn
Public Domain – Material sourced from www.sermonindex.net
Can be freely duplicated & distributed.